10 Actions To Encourage Eligible Voters to Vote
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Here are 10 actions you can take to encourage eligible voters to vote.
Check your voter registration and voter registration card for accuracy.
Sign up for email and text reminders about election dates and deadlines in your area.
Ask a senior citizen if they want help with registering to vote or checking their registration.
Ask a family member or friend if they need help making a voting plan.
Share APIA Vote’s videos on voting rights. (English) (Vietnamese)
Reach out to local groups or organizations, asking them to encourage their members to vote.
Text or call 10 friends and 10 family members, share with them why you vote, and encourage them to vote.
Send a postcard to 5 friends who you think might not vote asking them to vote.
Write weekly on your social media accounts to encourage people to vote (closer to Election Day).
Share on social media that you already registered to vote and that you plan to vote.